Students Code of Conduct

Students Code of Conduct



Emirates Private School expects all students to put forth their best efforts during the educational process. To accomplish this, students must recognize their individual responsibilities and they must behave in accordance with Emirates Private School"s Student Code of Conduct.


All EPS Students will

- Attend school daily unless there is a lawful purpose for being absent.
- Engage in learning activities.
- Bring to school only those items and materials that appropriate for education programs.
- Demonstrate positive behaivor and language and respect the personal, civil, and property rights of others.
- Accept responsibility for their actions and education while abiding by established school"s policies and procedures.



- The codes of conduct for school campuses shall apply to all off-site school-sponsored activities.
- All school personnel are expected to effectively deal with students whose behaviour inhibit their own education or unduly hinder others from learning.
- The administration give all reasonable support and assistance to teachers with respect to the maintenance of control and discipline in the classrooms.



Disruptive acts of misconduct as determined by school staff that interfere with the orderly conduct of the activities, administration or classes of a school; a school-sponsored activity; or while being transported to and from school.



Possession and/or ignition of matches or lighters (when not a part of the instructional program).


Attendance (In school suspension only)

- Leaving school ground without permission.
- Unexcused lateness (Class/classes).
- Unexcused lateness (School day).
- Unexcused Absence or truancy (Class/classes).
- Unexcused Absence or truancy (School day).


Dangerous Substances

- Non Prescription violation (possession of nonprescription medications).
- Use and/or possession of tobacco or cigarette rolling paper.


- Failure to follow a direction such as, but not limited to, failure to report to office when directed by school staff to do so.
- Harassment (nuisance phone calls to students or staff members; continued comments or passing of unofficial notes to another individual that he/she does not wish to hear or receive).
- Refusing to cooperate with school rules and regulations.
- Refusing to cooperate with school transportation regulations.
- Refusing to assigned work.
- Refusing to serve detention.
- Using obscene or abusive language.


Personal Health

- Personal health, when a student knowing uses his or her state of health to threaten the health of others.


Grading System

Our grading system from Grade 3 to HS2 is changed to keep our students concentrated and focused on their classes in 1st and 2nd Term for their success.Please be informed that the following is our new grading system.EPS uses different grading system for 3rd Term due to length of the Term.

1st and 2nd Term Grade Distribution Table



Class Work



Midterm Exam

Final Exam










3rd Term Grading System



Class Work



Final Exam










Behavioral Rules And Regulations

All Students are expected to abide by the following rules and regulations

1- Attend the daily morning assembly.
2- Tardiness is not allowed. If student comes after 7:45 AM, a written letter/note from the guardian is needed to be submitted. Three times of tardiness record will lead to guardian signing a pledge.
3- Unjustified recurrent absences will result in dismissal of student after addressing a report itemizing the number of absences to ADEC.
4- Wearing of COMPLETE school uniform with BLACK SHOES and WHITE SOCKS and SPORTS WHITE AND BLUE uniform is a MUST. JEWELRY, COLURED LENSES, MAKE-UP and POLISHED NAILS are not allowed.
6- Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the school campus and in the buses. A warning letter will be issued as a first warning and parents/guardians will be informed. Any recurrence will result in the student’s dismissal; any seizure of prohibited or hazardous objects/substance will result in dismissal, ADEC will be duly informed.
7- Mobile phone and other electronic device are strictly not allowed; resulting in confiscation these items.
8- Students are not allowed to go to the cafeteria during lessons; sitting in the classrooms during break periods is also prohibited.
9- No food or drink is allowed inside the classroom: food orders and delivery from outside is also not allowed.
10- Excuses are not given via phone; parents must come in person (not driver) to give a written excuse and to have a written permission.
11- Students are expected to protect the school"s properties; any deliberate destruction will result in the payment and replacement of the destroyed or damaged property.
12- Students are not allowed to leave between the sessions" shift.
13- The school does not tolerate any kind of bullying, physical aggression or verbal abuse among students, Students are entitled to demonstrate decency and respect towards each other and the school staff. Failure to abide by this rule would result in the student being summoned and sanctioned as per EPS policy. The student will be expelled with immediate effect for any type of bullying and violent behavior. If this still continues a permanent expulsion will occur.
14- To avoid all kinds of congestion, at the main exit door, students are requested to wait at the designated area at the end of the school day.
15- Students must adhere to the bus timings, to their allocated seats and fasten their seat belts in order to preserve the safety of the students, Buses are monitored by CCTV cameras.
16- Any kind of mark, expression, indication related to discrimination, religion or ethnic group affiliation is prohibited in the school.
17- Parents should take prior appointment (after 1:00 PM) to meet a member of the school board.


Violations of classroom procedures

Maintaining an appropriate classroom environment is essential to promote learning. In every classroom,the teacher establishes and maintains classroom procedures that are to be followed by his/her students. Accordingly, in cases where classroom procedures are violated, the following steps will be followed:

First violation:
The teacher will notify the student if his/her behavior is inappropriate and assign a disciplinary action, if necessary.

Second Violation:
There many be parent conference. When necessary, a teacher may assign disciplinary action in order to correct recurring classroom behavior problems. The assigning of detention during breaks or before and after school is one alternative for the teacher. The administration may assign up to 3 days" suspension.

Third Violation:
The teacher will make a referral to the administrator. When the assigning of disciplinary action by the teacher and contact with parents have proved ineffective in correcting the classroom behavior, the student will be withheld from the class until he/she has developed a satisfactory plan of action to correct the behavior.

Some violations are so gregarious that they may result in an immediate referral to the administration.



- Academic dishonesty (cheating on tests, copying term papers, forging signature of teachers and/or parent/guardian).
- Gambling.
- Unauthorized sale or distribution in school of items, goods, or services not related in any way to the school operation.

Use of personal telecommunication/electronic communication devices, such as cell phones, tablets, or any wireless or cellular communication device, except when the use of the device is authorized by, and under the supervision of, the classroom instructor and used in conjection with the instructional program. At all other times, personal telecommunication / electronic communication devices must turned off and must not be carried in a visible manner. The ban of the use of personal telecommunication / electronic devices applies to buses used for all school related activities. All other uses of such devices require prior approval of the principal.

Emirates Private School
Admission Procedures :

For further information kindly contact the Student affiars Department

MRS: Eman Ali Albadry

Phone Numer: +971502364367


Admissions for the current school year and the next academic year are open, You will be contacted when places become available. Please be advised that siblings take priority and we look at KG1 places first. All other year groups are only available if a current child leaves the school. We may not know... Read More>>